Photo of Dominion Paving & Sealing

Dominion Paving & Sealing


Organization Overview

First Impressions Say a Lot! With Over 30 Years of Experience, Dominion Paving & Sealing is the Obvious Choice.

Operating since 1982, Dominion Paving & Sealing has evolved into the premier comprehensive pavement maintenance and rehabilitation company for commercial and multi-use residential markets in the Northern Virginia and suburban Maryland markets. Our main areas of focus are commercial, retail and homeowner’s associations. While we typically do not compete in the single-family residential market, we can provide guidance concerning your project.
Joe Mullen Vice President of Finance
Brian Stewart
John Nakovich President
Nathan Reed
Nick McCracken
Stephen Culp Project Manager
Tom Jenkins Project Manager
PMA Logo Associate Company

Products & Services
Asphalt Paving, Asphalt Paving Maintenance & Repair, Asphalt/Pavement Engineering, Concrete, Concrete Maintenance & Repair