Goal Crushers: How Exceptional Entrepreneurs Achieve the Impossible 

Posted By: Tom Cohn Leadership Insights,

What does it take to become an iconic brand that attracts top talent and customers? Jeff Wetzler's book, Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs in Leadership and Life, explains how the most accomplished entrepreneurs crush their goals and achieve the seemingly impossible. 


The most successful entrepreneurs are driven by a cause or purpose bigger than just making money. This sense of mission provides tremendous personal and professional fulfillment because of its positive impact. In the famous anecdote, Steve Jobs asked Pepsi's CEO John Sculley: "Do you want to spend the rest of your career selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?" 


Anticipating obstacles and being willing to pivot is a crucial trait of ultra-high performers. Accomplishing the impossible requires perseverance, but also the wisdom to recognize when a path is unachievable. At such moments, they ask insightful questions, often enabling them to shift strategies while still achieving their goals. 


An unwavering willingness to make sacrifices and take calculated risks also distinguishes exceptional entrepreneurs. Good to Great author Jim Collins recounts his "Thelma and Louise Moment" when he left his secure position as a Stanford professor to pursue writing and business thinking full-time. He bet his life's fortune on the success of his first bestseller,Built to Last. 


Great entrepreneurs are self-motivated, especially when facing obstacles. Unafraid of failure, they persistently pivot, make sacrifices, and take calculated risks – all driven by a higher purpose that inspires them to crush their goals and achieve the impossible.